Jutta B. (JuB)
Leverkusen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
At the beginning of 2009, Jutta abandoned her walking aids, also known as walking sticks, and started to run. Just six months later, she had already completed her first 10-kilometre run, which was followed by a half marathon in June 2010. Whenever she can, she contributes to the team's success by walking and running.
Jennifer Busch (JBu)
Mülheim an der Ruhr (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Hildegard Busch (HBu)
Essen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Since 2007, these two have dedicated their time to motivating the team from the pavement, thus providing invaluable support during countless charity kilometres. After Jennifer became involved as a founding member in the Ruhrwalze team, the pair decided to form a kind of 'team-within-the-team' in April 2012 in order to contribute to our overall success by walking whenever their time and health allow.
Vienna 2008 |
Manfred Busch (MB)
Essen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Manfred has been running for many years and began marathon training in 2006. His sights were set on Cologne 2007, and later went on to run in the 2008 Vienna and Cologne marathons. Although he downsized to half marathons from 2010 onwards, he still has at least two running dreams to fulfil: the Run am Ring event...and many more years of running for the team.
Ulrike Füßer (UF)
Osterholz-Scharmbeck (Lower Saxony)
Has been running for many years and completed her first marathon in Cologne in 2000. After being bitten by the bug, she participated in two further Cologne marathons and - her highlight to date - Berlin 2005. This was followed by some half marathons. Due to an operation (2007), she stopped training for marathons and now 'just' runs for fun. Inspired by the support of Team Ruhrwalze, she now aims to increase her kilometres.
Sandra Bettermann-Ricke (SRi)
Korbach (Hesse)
After almost 24 years of no exercise, Sandra began with walking, but progressed quite quickly to running and is now very passionate about the sport. Since completing her first marathon in Rome in 2004, she has participated in well over 100 fun runs and championships, from 10-kilometre races to marathons. Currently, she runs in some 25 events all over the world every year and 'donates' her kilometres to us.
Anke Rohde (ARo)
Diemelsee-Heringhausen (Hesse)
It all began in 1998 with a bet and beginner's triathlon for the then unathletic 27-year-old. By 2005, Anke had completed several triathlons in the Olympic discipline before participating in her first 10-kilometre fun run. Since then, Anke has become an indispensable part of the Waldeck-Frankenberg running community and is a familiar face at half marathons throughout the Hochsauerland region. She has also been known to squeeze in a marathon a year on top of her regular running programme.
Andreas Leiter (ALe)
Essen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
I run for myself as a hobby and through this I got to know the team "Ruhrwalze" and the project "Running against leucaemia". I was really impressed by the sporting commitment and the untiring effort of this great team.
Because of this I wanted to join the team and spend as much kilometres as possible for this fantastic project!
With the help of this additional motivation I hope that I am even able to realize a half-marathon one day...
So as I always say: Even if the back and knee should hurt, one should never stop trying!
I know this is sometimes much easier to tell than to really do, but to be able to beat this horrible disease one day, we should never stop fighting!!!"